Pronounced 🌠Emanate🌠...a verb...meaning to give out or emit... ❤Beauty❤ noun...a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Also
a combination of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense.
"MN8Beauty is an inner wellness beauty brand that was birthed to support women in their journey's of self-love and discovery. Often times beauty is considered superficial, subjective, and superfluous....but beauty is a sacred expression of self; a powerful reminder of the divinity within each & everyone of us.
MN8Beauty is focused on using and teaching self-awareness, acceptance, and love through adornment, #affirmations, and artistry..."
Ok...but what does that even look like on a daily basis? How do makeup and meditation blend together to cultivate greater awareness and love of self?
For me, it looks like being intentional with my time and artistry. Rather than starting my day, frustrated by still having to work a regular job that's so very different from what I envisioned; I instead take time to utilize my gifts, to be grateful for new opportunities, and to set my intentions for the time that I am spending out in corporate America.
This sacred time of #makeupandmeditation came to be after a period of deep #depression working in the cosmetic industry. At the time, I'd found my dream job, only to learn that it was an illusion. I love doing makeup and helping women discover hidden parts of themselves; but that wasn't always the case working inside of a fast paced multi million dollar store. All too often, I was asked to change parts of my makeup for the acceptance and comfort of others. I was told that I was intimidating, and that my style of beauty wasn't marketable. So I started doing my makeup based on my favorite deck; the healing Oracle Crystal reading cards.
Crystals were already a daily part of my routine because I was exposed to so many energies for 60+ hours a week...It was my way of maintaining my own peace and frequency. But to then create beautiful makeup looks while focusing on the energy of the crystals I was inspired by!!! Shit got real, realllly fast lol.
My artistry grew immensely, my awareness of self deepened. I started recognizing how often I chose opportunities for the illusion of success rather than genuine happiness. I learned how frequently I silenced or transformed myself for the sake of acceptance, and how it conflicted deeply with the self love I'd been cultivating.
In February of last year, I had enough. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I had to leave. #makeupandmeditation taught me how sacred my artistry was, how divinely necessary I am. I left my "dream job" and committed to bringing MN8Beauty to life. I want to help women learn to recognize and cultivate their beauty, power, and purpose; and I'm doing it one face, fragrance, and service at a time.